Friday, December 25, 2009

About Skate Board.....

Wander into any big store's toy section, and you can find an area devoted to Tech Decks. These are little toy skateboards that have real skate company brands and graphics on them. A few years back, I tore my ACL (that's in your knee, and it sucks to have to tear), and a girl bought me a Habitat tech deck board to play with, since I couldn't skate for several months. It was one of the coolest gifts I'd ever been given!
When people are really good at Tech Deck, they can do all kinds of finger tricks with their Teck Deck skateboards. You can also use very small skate tools that come with some of the sets to take your board apart, swap parts, and even tighten or loosen the trucks.
For the toy side of it, you can get all kinds of Teck Deck related stuff like figures to put on the boards, small plastic skateparks, and all kinds of other stuff.
So if your skater is a kid, some of these toys might make great gifts. And if you skater is a big kid (say, 13 to 35), getting him or her a Tech Deck board from a brand that they like is a great, small, simple gift. You can usually get a pack of four Tech Deck finger boards for around $15, and single boards are a lot less. If you want to buy one online, compare prices on Tech Decks here.

Gifts NOT to Give Your Skater!

Sunday December 20, 2009
With Christmas right around the corner, I got to thinking about all the people rushing frantically to find the right gift, or ANY gift, for their skater kid, spouse or significant other.  I've already made some lists with skater gift ideas, and asked you to post what YOU would want, but what about what you DON'T want? Check out my list of the Top WORST Skateboarder Gifts, and see what you think!
Also, post a comment below with your own ideas of what you think people should avoid giving skaters.  If you are a skater, I'm SURE you have some ideas of what would make a lame gift!

Top 10 gifts for adult skateboarders

Wednesday December 16, 2009
Skatelab ShelfShopping for adult skaters can be tricky. They probably already have a board, and have a fairly good idea of what they like. So, the basic Top 10 skater gifts list might not work for them. So, I've cooked up the new and improved Top 10 gifts for adult skateboarders list to help out. There are some interesting things in the list, like the shelf seen pictured here. There are also books, videos, games - all kinds of stuff to pick from. Take a look and get some ideas!
If you have any ideas to add, leave a comment below!

Bridge to Skate - Helping Kids and Communities

Monday December 14, 2009
Bridge to Skate logoBridge to Skate is a "humanitarian organization that uses skateboarding and play to aid in the creation of life skills, promotion of health, fostering of peace, and the education of cultural differences internationally." At least that's how they define themselves on the Bridge to Skate website!
They help build skateparks in depressed areas, give out skateboards, pads and shoes, and try and help out communities. They're like a non-religious skateboarding missions organization! They are building a school in Honduras, and provide skateboarding scholarships.
If this sounds like something you would like to get involved in, you can donate money, sponsor skaters, and / or help by volunteering time! Email them at for more info.
You can also e-mail them if you want to be sponsored, or if you would like to get help getting a skatepark built in your town. Remember that they focus on kids and communities that really need help, so don't be disappointed if they can't help you right away - but this is what they are here to do, and it never hurts to ask!!

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